
Digital Oscilloscope based on Arduion

We often see someone making a digital oscilloscope on the net. The digital oscilloscope generally has a module of A/D transtion, and there are two kinds of circuit according to the method of A/D transtion: 1. Special ADC chip with mircocontroller, 2.making use of the interal ADC function.
 As to the first method, I have made two, but the circuit is a little difficult and the components is not easy to get on hand, which is difficult for the electronic beginner.
The second method is comparatively simply, but has a obvious  weakness,  i.e. the bandwidth is narrow. A typical work made by a American guy, (see http://www.serasidis.gr/circuits/AVR_oscilloscope/avr_oscilloscope.htm), has a 7.7KHz bandwidth. And some people made it with AVR and STC, but also their bandwidth does not exceed 10KHz.

  Recently I have seen a guy using Arduino to build digital oscilloscope, which is even more simple than the second method. But still doesn't work well with narrow bandwidth. Therefore I want to have a try to see if there is better way to solve this problem. After making and testing, and modifying codes constantly, I can now improve the sampling frequency and make a big progress.
  The specification of the final work is as follow:
  response frequency: 10-50 KHz,
  Power Supply: 5V
  LCD: 128*64
  Measuring Display Zone: 96X64
  Message Display Zone: 32X64, indicates the frequency and Vpp,etc.
  SYNC Method:   Rising along the trigger
  Scan Speed: 0.02ms/div 10ms/ div, 9 grades according to 1-2-5
  Hold Function:  hold displaying wave and parameters


 The best advantage for arduino is its abundant resources, and you need not to know much thing about microcontroller. I make use of the library of LCD: u8glib.h, which makes programming very easy, otherwise to drive LCD will waste you a lot of time.

  Below is my test circuit with Arduino UNO, and 12864 LCD controlled by ST7920.

Now input all this codes and compile them, the oscilloscope starts working. Isn't is easy?

      #include <U8glib.h> //声明库
       U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_4X u8g(13, 12, 11); // 声明液晶屏 SPI Com: SCK =13, MOSI = 12, CS =  11
       int x,y; //绘点坐标
       int Buffer[128]; //缓存值储存数组
       void setup( ) {  } 
       void sample( )  
       for(x = 0;x < 128;x++) 
         Buffer[x] = analogRead(A0);  //信号采样
       for(x = 0;x < 128;x++)  
         Buffer[x] = 63-(Buffer[x]>>4); //计算纵坐标值
      void draw( )  
        for(x = 0;x < 127;x++)  
           u8g.drawLine(x,Buffer[x],x,Buffer[x+1]);  //画相邻两点连线  
       u8g.drawLine(64,0,64,63); // 画坐标轴 
       for(x=0;x<128;x+=8)   //画坐标轴刻度 
       u8g.drawFrame(0,0,128,64); //画边框 
      void loop( ) 
         sample();         //采样
         u8g.firstPage();  //清屏
         do  draw( );      //显示
         while( u8g.nextPage( ));

With this prototype circuit, I measured one ADT time for Arduino is about 111ms using analogyread() function, which is very slow, meaning the bandwith is only 1KHz. So the next step is to raise the AD transition speed.

STEP 2  Building Complete Machine

  When I performed the experiment , I use Arduino UNO, Now I replace it with Arduino Pro mini so that I can make the volume small.

Components list:

 Arduino PRO mini
 LCD 12864
 Capacitor: 100μF  25V
 Potentiometer: 50K
 Peg Board
 Button Switch
 Power Switch
 Battery holder
 Main Case

1. Solder Arduino PRO mini

2. Solder Peg board

3. Make LCD Peg board

4.Assemble circuit board

5. Make main case

6.Total assembly

STEP 3  downloading codes and testing

8 条评论:

  1. Hi, I'd love to build your oscilloscope, but since
    I am totally new to ArduinoI would be glad if you will send me
    all code.
    I've tried the first code, it works fine, but now would
    I like to do the whole scope.

    Hans Otto Nielsen

  2. Hey. I would also be interested in the complete code. I have already bought and Arduino Pro Mini :-). Thank you. Sincerely Tono. My address is tony5@centrum.sk

  3. 此评论已被作者删除。

  4. Hi , great project, can you tell me how did you control the time / div ?? please , send the code to my email champx012@gmail.com

  5. Hi, this is great project. I would also be interested about complete code. Can you share it? My address is: pollakstevo@gmail.com. Regards Stefan

  6. Thanks great proyects, please do you send me code?

  7. Hi. Can i have the code and i also, please? Thank you

  8. Nobody, has taken the new firmware;
